Del-Ton Ar-15 Problems:  Understanding and Troubleshooting Guide

Del-Ton AR-15 rifles sometimes face reliability issues and parts wear. Regular maintenance can mitigate these problems.

Del-Ton AR-15 rifles are popular for their affordability and customization options. Some users report occasional reliability issues and faster wear on certain parts. Regular cleaning and proper lubrication can help maintain performance. Using high-quality ammunition and ensuring correct assembly are crucial.

Many owners find Del-Ton AR-15s to be reliable with proper care. Understanding common issues and their solutions can enhance your experience with these rifles. Investing in quality components and routine checks ensures long-lasting functionality. Whether for sport or defense, maintaining your Del-Ton AR-15 can provide a dependable firearm.

Common Issues

The Del-Ton AR-15 is popular among gun enthusiasts. Despite its popularity, it has some common issues. Understanding these issues can help you fix them quickly.

Failure To Feed

Failure to feed is a frequent problem with the Del-Ton AR-15. This issue occurs when a new round fails to enter the chamber properly. It can be frustrating and can disrupt your shooting experience.

Possible Causes Solutions
Dirty Magazine Clean the magazine regularly.
Weak Magazine Spring Replace the spring with a new one.
Improperly Lubricated Bolt Carrier Group Apply proper lubrication to the bolt carrier group.

Failure To Eject

Failure to eject is another common issue with the Del-Ton AR-15. This problem happens when the spent cartridge fails to exit the ejection port. It can cause a jam and halt your shooting session.

  • Dirty Chamber: Clean the chamber to ensure smooth ejection.
  • Extractor Issues: Check and replace the extractor if necessary.
  • Weak Ejector Spring: Replace the ejector spring to ensure proper ejection.

Accuracy Problems

The Del-Ton AR-15 is popular for many shooters. Yet, some face accuracy problems. Understanding the causes helps improve your shooting experience.

Barrel Quality

The barrel quality impacts the rifle’s accuracy. Del-Ton barrels vary in quality. Some shooters notice inconsistencies. Barrels with flaws affect bullet paths.

Check your barrel for issues. Inspect for any damages or imperfections. A smooth, well-made barrel helps in achieving better accuracy. Regular cleaning is crucial too.

Barrel Quality Check Action Needed
Inspect for damage Replace if necessary
Check for imperfections Consult a gunsmith
Regular cleaning Maintain cleanliness

Ammunition Choice

The ammunition choice also affects accuracy. Different ammo brands perform differently. Some bullets fit better in certain barrels. Testing various brands can help.

  • Try different ammo brands
  • Use bullets that fit your barrel
  • Check bullet weight consistency

Ammunition quality matters. Cheap ammo may cause inconsistent shots. Investing in good quality ammo can improve your shooting accuracy.

  1. Test various brands
  2. Choose the best fit
  3. Maintain quality

By focusing on barrel quality and ammunition choice, you can solve many accuracy problems with your Del-Ton AR-15.

Trigger Concerns

The trigger system is crucial for the performance of any AR-15. For Del-Ton AR-15 owners, certain trigger-related issues can arise. These concerns impact the firearm’s reliability and user experience. This section will explore common trigger problems, focusing on Trigger Pull Weight and Trigger Reset Issues.

Trigger Pull Weight

One common issue is the trigger pull weight. Some users find the trigger pull too heavy. A heavy trigger pull can affect accuracy. It requires more force to fire. This can lead to user fatigue. A consistent, lighter trigger pull is preferable.

Here’s a quick comparison of trigger pull weights:

Trigger Type Weight (lbs)
Mil-Spec 6-9
Del-Ton Stock Trigger 7-8
Upgraded AR-15 Trigger 3-5

Many users opt to upgrade their triggers. This enhances the shooting experience. An aftermarket trigger can offer a smoother and lighter pull. It can significantly improve accuracy and control.

Trigger Reset Issues

Another concern is trigger reset issues. A proper trigger reset is essential for rapid firing. Some Del-Ton AR-15s have a sluggish reset. This can slow down follow-up shots.

Key symptoms of trigger reset problems include:

  • Delayed reset
  • Inconsistent reset timing
  • Trigger not resetting at all

To diagnose reset issues, follow these steps:

  1. Unload the firearm.
  2. Dry fire the weapon.
  3. Hold the trigger back.
  4. Cycle the action.
  5. Slowly release the trigger.

If the trigger doesn’t click back into place, there’s a reset problem. A sluggish reset can be due to spring issues or dirt buildup. Regular maintenance can help. In severe cases, trigger replacement may be necessary.

Understanding and addressing trigger concerns can improve your Del-Ton AR-15’s performance. A reliable trigger system ensures a safer and more enjoyable shooting experience.

Gas System Troubles

Del-Ton AR-15 rifles are popular among enthusiasts. Yet, many face gas system troubles. These issues can hinder the rifle’s performance. Understanding the problems is essential. Let’s dive into two major concerns.

Gas Block Alignment

Proper gas block alignment is crucial. Misalignment can cause gas leaks. This affects the rifle’s cycling. Common signs include failure to eject or feed. Correcting this issue involves:

  • Checking the gas block position
  • Ensuring it’s parallel to the barrel
  • Using alignment tools for accuracy

Always inspect the gas block after each use. Tighten any loose screws. This simple check can prevent many issues.

Gas Tube Wear

Gas tube wear is another common issue. Over time, the gas tube can erode. This reduces its efficiency. Symptoms include weak cycling and poor performance. To address this, consider:

  1. Regularly inspecting the gas tube
  2. Replacing worn-out tubes promptly
  3. Using high-quality replacement parts

Regular maintenance can extend the gas tube’s life. Keep spare parts handy for quick fixes.

Problem Solution
Gas Block Misalignment Realign and tighten screws
Worn Gas Tube Inspect and replace

Maintaining the gas system is vital. It ensures your Del-Ton AR-15 functions smoothly.

Magazine Malfunctions

Dealing with magazine malfunctions in your Del-Ton AR-15 can be frustrating. These issues often stem from magazine fit and spring tension. Understanding these problems can help you ensure a smoother shooting experience.

Magazine Fit

A poor magazine fit can cause feeding issues. If the magazine does not sit properly, it may wobble or fall out. Check the magazine well and the magazine catch for wear or damage. Ensure the magazine locks into place securely. Using high-quality magazines can also reduce fit problems.

Spring Tension

Spring tension plays a vital role in magazine performance. Weak springs can cause failure to feed. You may experience double feeds or jams. Inspect the magazine spring for wear or damage. Replacing worn springs can restore proper function. Consider using aftermarket springs for enhanced reliability.

Below is a quick checklist to help you diagnose these issues:

  • Inspect the magazine well and catch for wear.
  • Ensure the magazine locks in place securely.
  • Check the magazine spring for wear or damage.
  • Replace worn springs with high-quality aftermarket options.

Addressing these two common problems can significantly improve your Del-Ton AR-15’s performance.

Del-Ton Ar-15 Problems


Bolt Carrier Group

The Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) is the heart of the AR-15. It is crucial for the rifle’s function. Problems in the BCG can cause major issues. This section explores common problems with the Del-Ton AR-15 BCG.

Bolt Wear

Bolt wear is a common issue in Del-Ton AR-15s. Frequent use can cause the bolt to wear down. Signs of wear include visible damage and reduced performance. Regular maintenance can help reduce bolt wear.

  • Inspect the bolt for cracks or chips.
  • Check for unusual wear patterns.
  • Replace the bolt if wear is severe.

A worn bolt can lead to malfunctions. This includes failure to feed, extract, or eject. Keeping the bolt clean and lubricated can extend its life.

Carrier Key Issues

Carrier key issues can also affect the Del-Ton AR-15. The carrier key is crucial for the gas system. Loose carrier keys can cause gas leaks. This leads to cycling problems.

Common carrier key problems include:

  1. Loose carrier key screws.
  2. Damaged carrier key gasket.
  3. Improperly staked carrier key screws.

To prevent carrier key issues:

  • Ensure screws are tight and properly staked.
  • Replace damaged gaskets immediately.
  • Regularly inspect the carrier key for wear.

Proper maintenance and inspection can prevent these issues. This ensures the AR-15 functions smoothly. Keep the carrier key in good condition for optimal performance.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance ensures your Del-Ton AR-15 performs well. Follow these tips to keep your firearm in top condition.

Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning your Del-Ton AR-15 regularly is crucial. A dirty rifle can misfire or jam.

  • After every use: Clean the barrel and chamber.
  • Weekly: Clean the bolt carrier group.
  • Monthly: Perform a detailed cleaning of all parts.

Lubrication Points

Proper lubrication prevents wear and tear on your AR-15. Focus on key areas.

Part Lubrication Frequency
Bolt Carrier Group Every cleaning
Charging Handle Every cleaning
Buffer Spring Monthly
Firing Pin Every cleaning

Use a high-quality gun oil. Apply sparingly to avoid excess buildup.

Del-Ton Ar-15 Maintenance Tips


Upgrades And Solutions

Upgrading your Del-Ton AR-15 can solve many common problems. This section explores various upgrades and solutions.

Aftermarket Parts

Aftermarket parts can significantly improve your Del-Ton AR-15. Let’s look at some essential upgrades:

  • Trigger Upgrade: A high-quality trigger reduces pull weight and improves accuracy.
  • Barrel Replacement: A premium barrel enhances durability and shooting precision.
  • Handguard: Upgrading to a free-floating handguard can improve accuracy.
  • Buffer System: A better buffer system reduces recoil and enhances cycling.
  • Optics: Adding a reliable optic increases target acquisition speed.

Consider these aftermarket parts for a better shooting experience.

Professional Assistance

Sometimes, professional help is necessary. Here are some options:

  1. Gunsmith Services: A certified gunsmith can address complex issues.
  2. Training Courses: Enroll in courses to learn maintenance and shooting techniques.
  3. Custom Builds: Professionals can create a custom build tailored to your needs.

Professional assistance ensures your Del-Ton AR-15 performs optimally.

Del-Ton Ar-15 Upgrades And Solutions


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Common Del-ton Ar-15 Issues?

Common issues include feeding problems, misfires, and ejection failures.

How To Fix Del-ton Ar-15 Feeding Problems?

Check the magazine, clean the chamber, and inspect the feed ramps.

Why Is My Del-ton Ar-15 Misfiring?

Misfires can be due to faulty ammunition or a dirty firing pin.

How To Resolve Del-ton Ar-15 Ejection Failures?

Clean the ejector, inspect the extractor, and ensure proper lubrication.

Does Del-ton Ar-15 Need Frequent Cleaning?

Yes, regular cleaning ensures optimal performance and longevity.


Owning a Del-Ton AR-15 can come with challenges, but solutions exist. Regular maintenance and proper use can mitigate many issues. Be proactive with upgrades and seek professional advice when needed. This ensures your firearm remains reliable and efficient. Understanding common problems helps you stay prepared and enjoy a smoother shooting experience.

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