Removing a primer is an important part of reloading. You can remove a primer with or without a reloading press. To learn how to remove primer without reloading press the read this article till the end.
How to Remove Primer Without Reloading Press

If you’re a reloader, then you know that removing primer from brass can be a real pain. It’s even more of a pain if you don’t have a reloading press.
However, there are ways to remove the primer without using a reloading press. Here are some tips:
First, use a spent primer collector to collect the spent primers. This will make cleanup much easier.
Next, use a small punch or tool to push the spent primer out of the back of the brass case.
Finally, use a small wire brush to clean out the primer pocket. Be sure to remove all debris so that your next load will go off without a hitch.
Read more about: Reloading Troubleshooting
How to Deactivate a Bullet Primer
If you have a bullet primer that you need to deactivate, there are a few steps you can take.
First, remove the primer from the bullet.
Next, find a container that is big enough to fit the primer in and fill it with water.
Submerge the primer in the water and wait for it to deactivate. You can then dispose of the primer safely.
Decapping Primers
Decapping primers is an important part of the reloading process. It ensures that each primer is properly seated in its case, and it also helps to prevent the double-charging of cases. Although decapping primers by hand are possible, many reloaders prefer to use a tool for the job.
There are a few different ways to decaps a primer. The most common way is to use a small punch or nail set to drive the old primer out of the case. You can also use a small drill bit, but be careful not to damage the case in the process.
Once the old primer has been removed, you can then install the new primer in its place.
Another method of decapping primers is to use a tool specifically designed for this task. These tools usually have a small rod that fits inside the case, and they use a spring-loaded mechanism to push the old primer out.
This method is generally faster and easier than using a punch or nail set, but it does require an extra step of depressing the spring-loaded rod before removing the tool from the case.
Whichever method you choose, be sure to wear eye protection when decapping primers!
Decapping live primers
.22LR can be a dangerous proposition if not done correctly. The following is a detailed explanation of the process and what you need to know to do it safely.
Live primers are found in both centerfire and rimfire ammunition. The primer is the small brass cup that contains the primer compound that ignites the propellant when struck by the firing pin. In rimfire ammunition, the primer is located on the edge of the case head and is struck by the firing pin when the round is fired.
In centerfire ammunition, the primer is located in a small indentation in the center of the case head and is struck by the firing pin when the round is fired. When decapping lives .22LR primers, it’s important to use a tool that fits snugly over the primer so that there’s no chance of detonation from stray sparks or pieces of debris.
A lot of people recommend using a spent shell casing for this purpose, but I prefer to use a purpose-made decapping tool (like this one from RCBS).
How to Remove a Live Primer from a Shotgun Shell
If you’ve ever tried to remove a live primer from a shotgun shell, you know it can be a real pain. Here’s a quick and easy way to do it without damaging the primer or the shell.
First, make sure the shotgun is unloaded and there is no ammunition in the chamber.
Next, find something to use as a punch, like a nail or a small screwdriver. Gently insert the punch into the center of the primer, being careful not to damage the shell around it. Now, hold onto the shell with one hand and gently tap on the punch with a hammer until the primer pops out.
Be careful not to hit it too hard, or you could set off the primer! Finally, dispose of the primer safely before reloading your shotgun.
Frequently Ask Questions
Can You Remove a Primer from a Bullet?
If you want to remove a primer from a bullet, the best way to do it is with a primer pocket reamer. This tool will remove the primer and leave the case intact. You can also use a drill bit or a sharp knife, but be careful not to damage the case.
How Do You Remove Primer from Concrete?
If you’re looking to remove primer from concrete, there are a few different methods you can try. One way is to use a power washer with soap and water. Another option is to use a chemical stripper.
You can also sand the primer off with a hand sander or power sander. Whichever method you choose, be sure to wear protective gear, including gloves, goggles, and a respirator mask.
How Do You Remove Primer from Wood?
There are a few different techniques you can attempt if you want to remove primer from wood.
The first is to remove the primer by dissolving it using a chemical stripper.
Another choice is to sand the wood’s surface, which will help the primer deteriorate and make it simpler to remove.
Whichever method you choose, be sure to take care not to damage the wood in the process.
Can You Reload Boxer Primed Ammo?
Yes, you can reload boxer-primed ammunition. The process is relatively simple and only requires a few tools and supplies that are readily available. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Start by gathering your supplies. You’ll need brass casings, primers, powders, and bullets. Make sure to select a powder that is appropriate for the caliber of bullet you’re using.
- Next, clean the brass casings thoroughly. Any dirt or debris could potentially cause problems down the road.
- Once they’re clean, resize them if necessary so that they’ll fit snugly around the bullet you’re using.
- Now it’s time to prime the cases. This can be done with either a hand primer or a press primer, depending on your preference and equipment availability. Simply insert a primer into each case’s mouth and ensure that it’s seated correctly before moving on to the next one.
- Once all of the cases are primed, it’s time to start loading them with powder and bullets. Again, make sure to use an appropriate powder charge for the caliber of bullet you’re using in order to avoid any potential accidents down the road. Begin by seating a bullet into each case mouth, then adding powder until it reaches the correct level according to your reloading manual (usually just below the neck of the case).
Depriming without a Press
I believe you can now learn how to remove primer without reloading press after reading this article.
If you have more questions about this topic, don’t hesitate to contact me.