Do you enjoy shooting? Then reloading ammo would be a useful activity that can give you more control in choosing different brands, tools, and ingredients. If you are new to reloading, then reloading troubleshooting can be challenging.
While some may have been reloading ammo for a long time, some are new. But while they may appear to be competent, mistakes can happen. Maybe you thought reloading ammo is easy, but depending on what reloading press you’re using. It could have too many intricacies, ranging from the simplest single-stage press to progressive reloading presses that operate on many stages simultaneously.
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Reloading Troubleshooting

Below, I discuss 10 best reloading troubleshoots that can help you avoid common reloading mistakes.
1. Case with a Crack or Dent
It is important to remember always that recycling used cases after shooting may appear to be a cost-effective option for many people. Besides, it also poses a high risk if they are not carefully inspected before use. When you shoot with a crack case or even minor flaws can have a significant impact. And they are not only less accurate, but they can also put the shooter in danger.
2. Excessive Powder Case
Sometimes a bullet may make with an incorrect amount of powder, so it is important to inspect them before seating the bullet. Some reloading kits, particularly progressive types, offer automatic powder metering. Obtaining one for your personal use will help you avoid this difficulty.
Most reloading presses come with reloading manuals that detail the amount of powder to use for each caliber. When firing your guns, following these procedures ensures your safety.
3. Case Dented by Sizing Lube
Another issue is that excessive sizing lube application can create damage, especially in bottlenecked rifle cases. Furthermore, most reloading dies have a tiny vent hole to help extra lubricant escape. Yet, excess lube accumulates in the die region. The dents in the plastic brass container are caused by the lube’s hydraulic characteristics and inability to compress.
4. Bullet Seated Too Far Out
Precision rifle shooters frequently over-rest ultra-accurate match rounds, which leads them to engrave ahead of the chamber. Importantly, many rifles perform best in this posture when loaded with match ammo. And this method is most likely suitable for precise shooting and competitive engagement. Be cautious not to etch the rifling when loading hunting shells.
Many long-range hunters use soft match-type bullets on the big game and even emboss their hand-loaded cartridges. When a hunter removes a loaded cartridge from the chamber, the bullet may become caught in the rifling. The case may rip apart and discharge powder into the chamber and action.
5. Primer Seating Errors
- Inadequate Primer Seating: A very crucial part you should know is that when primers are not accurately seated on the primer pocket, they are more susceptible to impact. Before using it, always make sure that your primers are accurately positioned because it will ensure accurate shooting.
- Overzealous Primer Seating: It is another essential factor you cannot avoid if the primer is pushed deeper than usual. There is a high chance the shooter could be in danger. When using your press to place primers, you need to know when you have applied enough pressure for the primer to sit correctly in the primer pocket.
6. Untrimmed Case
Trim the cases before using them to ensure that you can properly use and get exact action. One of the most prevalent errors is employing the wrong side of the case, which results in missed targets.
7. Bullets Are Not Properly Seats
To have accurate and well-made ammo, always try to ensure that you put the bullets correctly on the case’s mouth. Most reloaders have gotten into guiding their bullets before they reach the die, so double-check and have a good feel for your ready-made bullets.
8. Bullets Shaved by Case Mouths
When a bullet enters a new, unfired factory casing, the sharp 90-degree inner edge of the cartridge mouth cuts off small curls of copper from the bullet jacket. This makes the bullet less accurate. Use a low-drag case chamfer tool to round off the inside of the mouth of a new rifle cartridge case.
9. Excessive Crimping
Crimping is one of the most important processes for securing your bullets in a spot where they will not move. On the other hand, I recommend having a separate bullet seating and crimping process when you are done with the crimping excessively.
10. Inadequate Crimping
If bullets that are not properly crimped may cause issues in your cartridge case. Reloading is a terrific experience, especially if you enjoy the process and want to save money over buying prepared bullets. However, in this instance, there are numerous things that you need thoroughly grasp and learn to avoid typical blunders that could put you in danger.
Investing in high-quality reloading press equipment saves time and effort when reloading ammunition. These machines help you measure your components and the bullet itself. If possible, try to watch some instructional videos to understand better how the reloading presses work. Reloading presses come in several forms and sizes, which can confuse you. But instructional videos do an amazing job of helping you to find the best fit for your requirements.
Introduction Reloading Accessories For Beginners
Before you start reloading, it’s important to know all the reloading equipment well. To get batter result in reloading, you need various reloading equipment with a reloading press. But reloading kits are often the most convenient option since they include whatever you want to start reloading ammo.
It might be an excellent place to start if you are new to reloading. Using the following list of items, you can safely practice reloading ammunition.
- Reloading Manual: It is known as the most vital source of reloading information. However, the reloading manual helps to include critical information about caliber, primer, and bullet and the reloading process, and tips for making it easier and more precise.
- Dies: A die is a tool used for seating, crimping bullets, reducing, and resizing brass to fit standards. To save money, you can purchase die sets or individual dies.
- Priming Tool: Most presses come with a priming attachment, so you won’t need to buy one. In addition, you’ll get two types of priming tools that aren’t attached to the press one is hand priming tools and the other is bench-mounted priming tools.
- Powder Measure: You will also find another essential reloading equipment is a powder measure. However, the powder measure is excellent equipment for measuring the amount of powder used in each round of reloaded ammo.
- Holder of Shell: Because the thickness, diameter, and taper of the case rim, as well as the thickness of the extractor groove, are all taken into account when the shell holder is constructed, each reloaded cartridge requires one.
- Loading Tray: It’s a must-have reloading accessory. They let the reloader to be organized and work in small batches of 50 or less. They also keep brass from falling over and creating a massive mess on the bench.
Finally, I can promise you that reloading is easy with the right equipment and components. You can reload ammunition quickly and efficiently for the greatest shooting experience.
These days, reloading ammunition is an excellent hobby and a craft for many people. It’s a fascinating hobby, to say the least, that does a fantastic job of keeping people up to date on new rounds, powders, and precision methods.
Hope you enjoy this reloading troubleshooting guide. If you have any questions or suggestions in your mind about reloading safety or how can avoid reloading mistakes, then don’t hesitate to comment here.